Tuesday, April 30th  - Wednesday, May 1st 

Wednesday, June 19th - Saturday, June 22nd

Thursday, July 4th - Saturday, July 6th

Monday, August 26th- Monday, September 2nd


  • Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. People with scoliosis have a sideways curve in their spine that makes an "S" or "C" shape. Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain. It is called an idiopathic disease because the cause of it

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  • Osteoporosis

    Although most chiropractors don't directly treat Osteoporosis, chiropractic care directly addresses spinal misalignments, which in turn directly impact proper functioning of the nerve system.. Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease involving loss of bone tissue and the disorganization of bone structure.

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